Every journey starts with a step, every journey that has not been started will never be started. The more you relax the more your destiny awaits for you but when you take a step that’s when the journey to your destiny starts thus you get closer.Every morning is an opportunity to your  success and nothing will happen if you don’t make something happen,so you are the one to make it happen.Placeholder Image

  Desire a change,everything will not be alright till you make it right since success is surrounded with risks and nothing comes in a silver……..Identify your destiny and go for it,there are ups and downs but remember life is like bicycle peddles one is down at this time and the other is up at the other time.so, what am i trying to say that today you might be down but if you take a step to your destiny tomorrow you shall be at a better place.you must pay the price to your destiny.


   Never despise yourself because of where you are,never let anyone despise you but remember you are in charge of your destiny  .Arise and start walking to your destiny,don’t look at your shortcomings ,don’t look back just get focused with where you are going,where God is taking and where he is about to take you.
